What Employers Should Know About Employee Career Advancement

Do you think it is possible that workers of today will put more importance to the opportunity for them to advance in their career than to receive more compensation? Well this turns out to be the case. While we all hear people complaining about how low their salaries are and how much they really want a raise, it all comes down to getting the opportunity to grow, develop, and achieve career advancement.

This trend is very good and positive for employers, especially for businesses that prefer to promote people from within their own companies as this method is proven to be more effective and inexpensive. Bonuses and salary raises are usually not the topic in the offering table these days. Actually, even starting salaries have decreased significantly over the years. However, there is something that employers should not forget to offer their employees and new hires – the chance to move up the corporate ladder despite their low starting salary.

A number of surveys are regularly conducted to find out how workers change in terms of what their priorities are in being employed. Aside from their salaries and chance for advancing their careers, they are also looking for flexible work settings and excellent management teams. Many employees also mentioned the importance of not having too much pressure from work. The results of such surveys give businesses and company a great chance to know how they could improve the situations of their workers and for them to avoid high employee turnover rates.

As mentioned earlier, more and more companies are choosing to hire from within their companies. Indeed, a lot of businesses are now interested and so enthusiastic about developing and evaluating the most talented and hardworking members of their team for some of the higher positions they have. What they are hiring for are the lower rank positions. With this setup, it is important for employers to highlight the things that applicants can look forward to in working for the company.

If it is your aim to get the best out of your current list of job applicants, you must understand what exactly they are looking for. Keep in mind that it is not always going to be about the money. You should understand that they all know what they want – the chance for career advancement. So it is your job now to make them understand and believe that the position you are offering now is what they can use as a stepping stone for the position they are longing to have.

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