Writing Effective LinkedIn Profiles-Ana Paret, Resume Writer

April 2, 2013

Welcome to Up Your Game Radio, an insider’s guide to your life

Recently we spent an hour with our guest, Cosmic Coaching Centre’s very own Ana Paret.   Ana is a well known professional resume writer, career transition strategist, speaker and published author who has successfully defined success in her own terms.  

Ana is committed to educating, inspiring, and empowering her clients to look beyond their old paradigms and move them towards using creative solutions to address any challenges they are facing.

With a background in psychology and accounting, plus an extensive training in career development, Ana uses all her experience, skills and education as tools to help her clients.  An established contributing author for the “Expert Women Who Speak…Speak Out” Books Vol. 6., as well as writing a number of articles on the subject of stress management, life/work balance, career management, and personal development.   Ana has also appeared on several programs, like CKCO-TV and Daytime Rogers TV, and has also been featured in a number of publications, such as Snap K-W and the KW Record.

At Leadership Coaching Centre, we believe that in order to become a successful CEO of your life you must be strategic and a visionary about your life goals. Radio Hosts; Cecile Peterkin and Ana Paret believe you are the CEO of your life. Therefore, we inspire and motivate people to take full responsibility for all aspects of their lives, manage every detail, and succeed personally and professionally. Up Your Game Radio enables us to motivate you to be released from Small-Time Thinking and move into your BIG PICTURE! In other words….To Up Your Game!

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