How To Improve Your Career By Learning Tech Skills During Covid-19

Learning tech skills is always a good investment of your time and money. But this year, the use of technology and the learning opportunities only increased during the Covid-19 pandemic. Take advantage of all the resources at your disposal and learn something to further your career. Here are some tech skills that are always a plus to have. 

Software Engineering

Software engineers are the ones behind all the devices we use today, such as smartphones, appliances, and wearables. They develop, deploy, and maintain software, programs, websites, applications, and everything else that makes them work. This is possibly the first tech profession. They were the first to work with computers and open the path to the technology we use today. 

Nowadays, everyone use at least one smart device. But most people are surrounded by technology and have it around their house. Plus, we use it every day at work no matter which job. So it will be helpful if you learn a little bit about it. You don’t have to become a full software engineer, but you can learn the basic concepts to understand how the technology works.  

Even in the digital world we live in today, some people don’t know how to troubleshoot their computers. If you can demonstrate that you are tech-savvy and know your way around technology, it will be a huge plus. You can also learn software development fully and made a career out of it. It offers great salaries, and you can work with companies that make a real impact on society. 


Blockchain is another technology that has become trendy in the last few years. Many companies are introducing it to their operations to make more secure and trustworthy platforms. Blockchain is the tech behind cryptocurrencies, and it was first invented with Bitcoin. It is immutable, transparent, and decentralized, making it attractive to create other things with it. 

One of the main issues with the Internet nowadays is that it is completely centralized, and users worry about the lack of privacy and control over their information. Blockchain could potentially solve this issue and is one of the reasons so many people like it. 

We are starting to see more and more companies using blockchain platforms, but most people still don’t understand how the technology works. Spending on blockchain services is expected to reach $15.9 billion by 2023. You can start by learning the basics, especially if it becomes a common feature in your company. Also, because not many people understand how it works, you could explain it to other coworkers or even your boss. 

UX Design

A UX (user experience) designer understands what the user wants and needs and creates products that give the best experience possible. They take into consideration how the user will feel and how intuitive the product is. They can become researchers or the actual designers of a product like an application or website. Researchers become specialists in user behavior and use this knowledge to understand what the customer needs before they know themselves. 

Knowing UX design will be a plus no matter what. You will always do your job focused on how the result will impact the customer and try to create a product that they can enjoy. Depending on your career, it will also help you improve your curriculum. For example, if you are a graphic designer, learning UX design will be the perfect way to broaden your job opportunities. And you can learn with a coding bootcamp online

Web Development

Web developers are the ones that create, deploy, and maintain all the websites we visit every day. They also know how to create web applications and games. They can be experts in creating the most beautiful websites with animations and interactive features. And they have been in high demand and will continue to be in the future. Every company has at least one website nowadays—the ones that didn’t before probably had to create one during the pandemic. 

If you learn web development, you could help your company to increase its presence online. You can learn web development on your own because there are tons of free resources online. You just have to look for them. You can also learn with a coding bootcamp. Career Karma has a list of the best coding bootcamps, and you can compare different schools. 

In Summary

You can use the downtime you probably have because of the pandemic to learn something new. Tech skills are in high demand, and even if you don’t make a career out of them, they will look good on your resume. You can learn software engineering, blockchain, UX design, or web development. It can be just the basics or a full course. Anything will be a plus and increase your digital literacy.

Competitor Analysis Worksheets to Help You Land a Job

In today’s competitive job market, it can be hard to differentiate yourself from other candidates and discover what it is that makes you stand out from the rest. That’s where competitor analysis frameworks can come in handy. When it comes to competitor analysis, most people think this strategy is used solely for business purposes, but it can actually be a valuable tool to use when job seeking. 

There are many different competitor analysis frameworks that can be used to help you discover your strengths and weaknesses to determine what’s going to get you to stand out to potential employers and help you land your dream job! One example of this is SWOT analysis. 

If you’re unfamiliar with a SWOT analysis, SWOT stands for strengths, weakness, opportunities and threats. When using this strategy during your job search, the goal is to identify your key strengths and weaknesses in order to determine what will set you apart from others as well as how you plan to develop a plan to overcome your weaknesses. When identifying opportunities, think of what skills you have that can lead to further opportunities or skills that you can further develop. When identifying threats, you’ll want to look at aspects of your career or experience that may hinder your ability to land a job. 

Doing this can help you determine any areas you may need to work on as well as key skills and traits you know will bring value to a company. 

A SWOT analysis is just one of the many ways you can utilize competitor analysis to help you in your job search. To learn more about competitor analysis frameworks, JobHero created printable worksheets that you can use to help make your job search process easier. Click here to download the worksheets to get started. 

Tips on How to be a Successful Middle Manager

As a middle manager, the entire organization expects you to get everything done. This is a huge responsibility you have, and thus you have to make sure you are ‘influential’ enough to lead the charge. While this can be extremely challenging, there are things you can do to create an environment that will help you and your company succeed.

1. Earn the respect of your employees

A good manager is one who does not only delegate tasks and responsibilities to employees; a good manager also guides and supports them so they may be better at what they do. The only way you could help them perform their job better is to show them that you have knowledge of what they do. It becomes so much easier for employees to give you respect when they see you as an expert. You don’t have to do their work for them, of course, but you have to make an effort to share what you know so they may grow professionally.

2. Know the organization’s strategy by heart and make your own action plan

If your responsibilities as a middle manager haven’t changed over the years, and you do the same things over and over again, there is a possibility that what you’re doing is no longer in line with your company’s current strategy. You can’t just sit there and wait to be informed of the organization’s new strategy. Be proactive in getting as much information as you need, and verify with your boss if how you’re running things actually helps the company achieve its goals. If it is, then go ahead and share it with your staff, and if not, rectify your action plan so it would be in line with the overall strategy of the company.

3. Set priorities and clear goals for your employees and yourself

It is important that your department has clear priorities and that these priorities are communicated well among the employees. Each of your workers must have their own goals, and they should understand the importance of achieving both individual and group goals. Make sure that you regularly meet with your employees so you can be up-to-date with their progress, and if changes in the team are inevitable, you can make them on a timely manner.

4. Lead without authority

Good leaders have the ability to make people follow and respect them, not by imposing anything to their people, but by listening to them and supporting them. As a middle manager, having this reputation will get you noticed and even considered for a promotion. You’ve got to learn to NOT be arrogant, be diplomatic, and be a solution provider.

5. Communicate enthusiastically with everyone

The more you communicate with all the people you work with, the more they will see, hear and follow you. By making use of any available means of communication with your boss, other middle managers, and employees, you are showing that you are a proactive leader who places importance on sharing what you already know and what you have learned from others.
As they say, good leaders are born. But it doesn’t mean you shouldn’t strive to develop the management skills that you already have. Working with an executive coaching professional would also help you enhance such skills to become an effective and successful middle manager.

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